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  • Spartan Sport Sciences Pre Training 300g

    • Spartan Sport sciences Pre-Training is best Pre- Workout training supplement.
    • Each serving size of Pre-Training powder gives 300mg Valine, 300mg Caffeine, 500mg Taurine, 150mg Arginine, 100mg Vitamin-C, 1200mg Beta-Alanine, 500mg Citrulline malate  Spartan Sports Sciences Pre-Training, enhance performance and Muscle growth
    • Pre-Training is a best training partner for cricket, Kabaddi, football, Hockey, volleyball, tennis, marathon running, sprints, swimming, wrestling, boxing, weightlifting, Gymnastics and basketball.
    • This is a Dope-Free product
    Beta-alanine Taurine Citrulline Malate Valine Caffeine Arginine
    3000mg 500mg 500mg 300mg 300mg 100mg


  • Spartan Sport Sciences Isolate Whey 1lbs


    Spartan Sport Sciences Isolate Whey Builds Lean Muscle & Strength fast – for Solid Muscle Gain, Around the clock supply of – Amino Acids to your Muscles, Improves Recovery : Powered by additional L-Glutamine, Muscle Building Calories : Optimal Caloric profile ideal for any muscle gaining cycle, Delivers BCAA’s, Leucine, Isoleucine ,Valine & more Anabolic Muscle Growth Bullet: Quick-release anabolic amino acid profile.

    Protein Amino Acids  BCAA  Glutamic Acid Leuince
    28g 13g 6g 4g 3g


  • Spartan Sport Sciences Isolate Whey 2lbs

    5.00 out of 5

    Spartan Sport Sciences Isolate Whey Builds Lean Muscle & Strength fast – for Solid Muscle Gain, Around the clock supply of – Amino Acids to your Muscles, Improves Recovery : Powered by additional L-Glutamine, Muscle Building Calories : Optimal Caloric profile ideal for any muscle gaining cycle, Delivers BCAA’s, Leucine, Isoleucine ,Valine & more Anabolic Muscle Growth Bullet: Quick-release anabolic amino acid profile.

    Protein Amino Acids  BCAA  Glutamic Acid Leuince
    28g 13g 6g 4g 3g


  • Spartan Sport Sciences Ripped BCAA 300g + Steel Shaker Free

    5.00 out of 5
    • Spartan Sport Sciences Branched Chain Amino Acids (Ripped BCAA) refers to three amino acids: L-leucine; L-isoleucine and L-valine.
    • Each 5g contains L- valine- 1262mg, L- Leucine 2524mg, L- Isoleucine 1262mg.
    • Spartan Sport Sciences Ripped BCAA are the branched chain form of essential amino acids. Essentials amino acids which are essential for the body, which are not produce by the body.
    • It’s a best intra workout drink, gives rapid recovery from tiredness between and after training.
    • Best time to take Ripped BCAA is intra training/workout and post training/workout.
    • Ripped BCAA is a best training partner for cricket, football, volleyball, tennis, marathon running, sprints, swimming, wrestling, boxing, weightlifting, Gymnastics and basketball.
    Leuince  L-Glutamine  Valine Isoleuince
    2524mg 2000mg 1262mg 1262mg


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